P&C Information

The Turramurra High School Parents and Citizens Association is made up of current school parents/carers and other interested members of the community - it is open to all.

ModelConstitutionIncorporatedPandCAssociations .pdf



For a quick overview of the P&C check out;

Turramurra High School P & C Inc.

27 747 657 233

104 Maxwell St, Turramurra, NSW, 2074

PO Box 5126, South Turramurra, NSW, 2074


Certificate of Incorporation (2002)

Australian Business Register Details / Tax Deductibility Status

Privacy Policy

We are registered with ACNC (the equivalent of ASIC for non-commercial entities)

ACNC Listing

Auditor is Mr. Amit S Kurlekar of ASK Audit & Advisory Pty Ltd

Fundraising Licensing

Incorporate P&C Associations in New South Wales public schools are exempt from the need for a fundraising authority, as they are established under the NSW Education Act 1990, and Section 9.3(b) of the Charitable Fundraising Act 1991 states that organisations established by an Act and subject to the control and direction of a Minister can fundraise without an authority.  [source]

We wish to acknowledge the Traditional owners...the Darramurragal and their Country on which we gather today. 

We would like to show my respect to all Aboriginal people, the Elders and the spirits and ancestors of the Clans that lived in the North West region.

We remember their forbears with respect and support the process of reconciliation.