THS Community Start-up Program
A fund and services to help initiatives start up within the THS community
The THS Community Start-up Program is available to assist with initiatives that need initial funding or planning and compliance support.
For qualify projects, funding can be as a loan (to help with cash flow) or an investment (or both) to help get started with the long term plan of being self-sustaining.
The start-up program can loan funds to a project to help with initial expenses, before donations or other sales/contributions are received.
The loan will be re-paid as agreed, typically at the end of the project or within 12 months.
Seed Investments
If the project profits the community but can't reach sustainability then this fund can invest (as seed capital) into the project.
Planning & Compliance Support
Our general manager can assist with planning and compliance support.
The total budgeted funding for this program is currently set at $50,000 per year.
The first use of this fund is to assist with the start up of a THS community musical for 2020.